Mr. Flute

yep…yep…yep…well….Good luck to this guy.

"…not having seen the Tim Burton one…"

Isn't that basically the premise of 'Logan'?

Too soon.

No cable TV for me, but still tied to the local company for ISP. We get our TV fix from a good old fashioned over-the-air antenna. Now if I could convince the County's fiber network to test residential fiber in my neighborhood that would be great (my neighborhood is bounded by two major State highways and has the

And Ford as not under 30 in 1977.

My earliest memory is going to see Return of the Jedi in the theater in 1983. I was 5 years old and knew it was awesome. It's still my favorite of all the movies. The space battle at the end was/is awesome, especially when the Super Star Destroyer crashes into the Death Star.

If you like or can appreciate deadpan comic timing, she is a masterclass. Sasheer is the opposite of Jones, but putting them next to each other and possibly reacting to/against/off each other could be fantastic. Usually, the deadpan comic/straightman is the funniest of the lot. Her "uh…no" catchphrase is perfect.


Uff da. That'll hurt, ya know.

You betcha. Dont'cha know.

Oh, yay. You don't say?

What the heck?

Indeed. Cars and even Cars 2 are much better movies than any of the plot and visually incomprehensible Transformers movies.

International trailer for the win!

Especially when the text is full frame…12 size font…

But…this might turn into a "Steve Martin" thing. One for you (to make major bank) and one for me (to finance and make good movies, but not necessarily bank).

And it has the added benefit of actually being a good movie too. Not just a stellar car chase scene.

Wrong. Only good car chase scenes, boring movie otherwise.

Yep. Evidence: modern China