Mr. Florida Sunshine

Danny Rayburn may be dead, but he is far from gone. With the introduction of his son, the knowledge that he was paying off loans to sharks for his restaurant, drug running for Wayne Lowry and that Mr. Potts has told Sarah that her children have been lying to her only means one thing, that Danny flashbacks will occur

A very good politician does, especially to his financial backers. He pulled off a convincing diatribe that completely exonerates him from Danny's death. No one at that table would ever believe he could have "drowned" his own brother. What you are really hearing is John's conscience rationalizing his brother's death.

I have never seen so much alcohol consumption in any TV series but if you watch closely, The mom, John, Kevin, and Meg are the ones who drink the most, and at critical plot points in the show…I have also considered the possibility of product placement, as a lot of Heineken, Dos Equis, Tequila Brands, Johny Walker

Danny's son, if he follows the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" theory may also be a "runner" and may have been away, possibly on a journey such as his father always was. Upon returning home, he happens to arrive coincidentally at the same time as John and Kevin are seen leaving with the Seer Sucker suit.

Originally I thought it was Carlos watching John and Kevin leaving Danny's apartment in Miami and again in the final scene in the backyard. I was shocked and surprised that it was Danny's son.