You do realize that that is a character Alec Baldwin is playing... right? Just like Cho isn't really a meth smuggler?
You do realize that that is a character Alec Baldwin is playing... right? Just like Cho isn't really a meth smuggler?
I’m the Dean.
I hadn’t really seen anything he was in until Selfie. And now my desire for him burns bright and eternal.
Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.
Hi, you’re replying to a comment from 7 years ago.
I read Kathrine Switzer’s book last year, and it reminded me how recent the fight for women’s equality in sports began, and how it still continues to this day. The first Olympic women’s marathon was only in 1984. Women’s ski jumping was only added to the Olympics in 2014 because people in charge legitimately thought…
What the F is the possessed baby tattoo on his shoulder?
I can’t understand how people look at something like this and don’t know that something is deeply broken in our society in regards to the way men see women. It’s just so pervasive. We can’t keep attributing it to bad individuals. And I have no doubt that for every crime of this nature that we find out about there are…
Well there goes a huge niche market for “Banana Girl” Freelee.
The East river is not a river. It’s a tidal strait of the Atlantic Ocean that runs between New York harbor and Long Island sound. Salt water all the way. But it’s apparently good fishing for bluefish and stripers, as the anglers are out at all hours around my place.
Killed someone in jail for Jesus tattoo! Good one!
you’re welcome
Sebastian Stan can GET IT
Kasich is like that guy at work who seems like a reasonable human being when you meet him, but then later you find out he’s some weird masochism fetishist who likes being stung in the balls by jellyfish.
Thank you for watching all 16 excruciating minutes of that video so that I know that that was not an actual thing that happened. But it would be rad if it was.
ahaha this is totally driving me nuts
Lily had her bluetooth on when the naturopath attacked. Frelee told her to run out the front door, not up the stairs.
“Frelee is the reason that I survived my naturopath,”
all of those russell crowes
i would ABSOLUTLEY bone russell crowe