That's MISTER fannypack to you

This guy got caught in Canada dressed up as military during Remembrance Day, and had the gall to let himself get on camera to be interviewed. Actual military personnel picked out the inconsistencies in his story/uniform.

...b-but, that’s almost a pair a year... (looks down at duct taped Converse Allstars)...

he was just esplainin’ it to us on the short bus.

The dog in the picture (with the sunglasses) looks pretty fly to me.

I’ve managed to catch them 5 or 6 times. Always great, always amazingly improvisation.

Now playing

My heart is broken. Heaven is a better place today.

Interesting! Nowadays I must churn my own butter. I am also forced to sugar my own churro.

Lots of circlin’ and jerkin’ going on there...

Bobby Finger said, “This is a fucking mess!”

He waits for us all, like the warm embrace of death.

You should read up on how many women are treated by the court system. Slut shaming is a common enough term, if the woman was dressed provocatively she was “asking for it”.

The part that you should ‘get’ is that she’s a kid, and as you said, Weinstein was dealing with women, different power structure entirely.

Ha! Loophole! A loaded diaper is a missile, and can be added to the lengthy history of biological warfare.

What I really like is that he specifically points to the people who work with him..Pence, Ryan, Huckabee, whoever.

Holy fuck if anyone should stick to sprots , it’s this bar tool.

See, God loves America, so when he saw this, he “screwed” the Jets out of a touchdown.

It’s funny, because I always have the same “Holy Shit Jesus Hell!” reaction when I see how much a pro athlete makes for a single game. It’s one thing to hear the annual salary, but it’s got even more impact when it’s broken down to a nights work.

“I wanted to make sure he was learning and growing in what he saw”

wait! are are being sarcastic, right? or do you really like that?

If your fridge screws up, you get frozen milk....I just wasn’t sure if you were the type to pour milk into an ice cube tray. It’s like when you make your own popsicles with juice, and then say ‘frig it’ and buy the kids regular popsicles. Too much work.