Damn right! You load that plate and choke that down, mister! Fight for her because she sure as shit is fighting for you!
Damn right! You load that plate and choke that down, mister! Fight for her because she sure as shit is fighting for you!
That’s an excellent explanation, thanks!
I’m not a lawyer, so honest question here...if it gets thrown out of court for a criminal case, what would happen in a civil case? I’m under the impression that the whole reason the cop was doing this was to cover his departments ass in case the innocent bystander decided to sue.
Good, I hope Shannon wrecks him. There’s no reason for Whitlock to be allowed to do this crap. His crush on Kaepernick is pretty obvious...he’s jealous of a guy who is respected, athletic....and not treated like an oaf or joke, which is what Whitlock is. Gasbag.
That’s the false trail they point to with everything now. Kaep takes a knee to raise awareness of an issue, so let’s mis-direct and talk about how it’s disrespectful to the ‘flag’. The whole discussion then becomes about the ‘disrespect’ and not about police brutality.
it’s lunchtime....sweet mother of god, the bile I’m tasting is ridiculous.
I’m pretty sure if I even approached the 10 kid marker, the missus would be redoing the vasectomy on her own..probably with her bare hands, or knitting needles, kitchen scissors.....
Call me a hopeless romantic, but it sounds like love. I hope these two kids can work it out in this crazy world of ours.
Mashed Taters.
Great, now I feel bad for Tom Brady. Not Tom Brady the Person, he can pound sand...but Tom Brady the Dog.
I think the problem he/she is trying to vocalize is that these pregame ceremonies can be a distraction. Apparently, the slightest thing that does not match the standard pattern that these professional athletes have followed....what, a few hundred games or so? maybe more? ...anyway, as soon as there’s a slight change,…
Haole gets torn a new A-hole
Good article! Also, when the officer asks whether or not you would like to be shot, you can say no then..
Excellent article as always....way more detail than I can cope with, so I appreciate that!
That’s where some of these so-called interviewers have to grow some stones! Carter should have said “I didn’t ask if you were qualified to judge, I asked your opinion. You are a grown ass man who runs the league, so why don’t you give your opinion?”
I don’t know enough about the technology, but the bit I’ve read about seems to revolve around the fact that it would add up to a shit ton of data if everything was recorded.
“He fit the description....of what the officer presumed a criminal looks like...um...by being....well...slightly not white.”
that’s pretty fantastic! For some reason that reminds me of this winter vacation commercial in Canada. There’s a televised car chase where both the escape vehicle and cop car are standing still, spinning their tires on black ice.
I’ll give you a star but god damn, that’s irritating to read.