
Oh, sure, just keep your eyes wide shut to obvious evidence and vote for a tyrant wannabe all you want.

Millions of Germans were fed up with Berlin Politics in 1933, so they went with someone who appealed to the lowest common denominator by promising to make Germany great again. Hitler took power and drove the country into the abyss.

I can just see the following situation unfold:

I’m a paramedic, I give zero shits about your cynicism. I’ve had people with do not resuscitate orders groan out “help me”. DNR becomes invalid and I do everything I can to help a patient. Everyone who never expected to die wants to live, and you’ll be no different when your moment comes. My greatest professional

Yes, and then I read the following sentence where he actually does explain what he claimed he couldn’t.

The celebrated genius added, “He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”

If it was designed for the field but was the only thing that was effective during surgery will all tools, doctors and equipment on hand, that makes it even more impressive.

They had access to all the surgical tools and treatment methods available locally in the hospital in the field, but they still didn’t bring it under control. If you read the article they had access to bone wax and cautery which is pretty much as good as you are going to get in those conditions and better than any

The fact that it _did_ do the job when 7 hours of surgery didn’t means that it can be looked to as a viable treatment option much earlier for future injuries. Nobody’s going to go up to a guy bleeding in the dirt and say “Hey, we could evac you, but let’s sit here and do a field test of this gadget instead.” Now

Yeah, you’re right. That guy is just fake living now.

Trump’s rebuttal

Damn, if only you had been out there in the field to tell them that. I’m sure they decided to use a largely untested procedure just for giggles.