
Who started that shit? I remember W! doing it. Obama did it. Trump does it. Did Clinton? George Sr.? Ronnie Raygun? I doubt Carter did.

“the original poem just had her go off to war without the need for a disguise and had her return home the same way as the movie

“telling the dispatcher that the woman did not appear to be threatening, did not speak English, and appeared to be looking for vegetation to cut, as she had a bag in her hand as well.

Isn’t all corn now GMO, at least in the U.S.?

Isn’t the aggregate $1000 across all brands? If I understand the chart correctly (and I don’t know shit about this so I could be wrong), it seems like Walmart’s cost to advertise directly to the author on the internet is a mere $0.0015, about 1/10 of one cent per day, or $0.54 a year. That’s more than worth it. A

Next time I’m on a long flight to Asia, I will watch this. 

It’s all made by the same Uygur prisoners in China.

Going by the original text, there’s no indication of his political rank or social position. She does go to the market to buy the horse she needs to fight for the Khan, so she clearly wasn’t living in abject poverty like the hapless military conscripts from Du Fu poems.

History thread! Can I play? I’m a historian, too!

I’d say that reporters, and people more generally, don’t understand polling and statistics, which is another problem that compounds the first. 538, for example, gave Hillary a 70% chance of victory, and everyone thought that was a “win” for her, but that isn’t what that means. If someone told you that your flight

Holy shit. That picture.

Feed your dog whatever food gives it a healthy weight, skin, poop, and coat. I tried every fancy food under the sun until I tried a Purina variety and voila! skin and coat problems went away, poop normal, energy level is high. Is it the greatest food ever? Maybe not, but at 13 she’s still healthy as an ox, so it

There’s always been an urban growth boundary in Oregon, or at least, there was one during the decade I lived there (97-06). They’re reluctant to turn farmland over to the next strip mall developer. Can’t say it’s a bad thing. There’s already enough sprawl and traffic in the Portland area for my taste. 

Lansu Chinese Garden is worth a stop. Lovely, traditional garden space modeled on the Suzhou style.

Just gonna have to set myself on fire, I guess...

Again I’ll tell this story: He headlined a stand up comedy show I saw in New York. Worst fucking comic of the night. Gets on stage drunk as shit, eyes practically crossed, slurring his words, just starts being a piece of shit to people in the audience. Crowd work is okay by me, but you gotta be funny. He was just sad

Ha ha! No. Next question. 

Huh. Back in the 90's we called it Clinton Derangement Syndrome, showing once again that this guy and his supporters are banal, unoriginal, garden variety evil Republican shitbags. Sprinkle in his shit hotels, failed airline, and plagiarized campaign slogan for flavor.

Although there may be many things to loath about Tom Cruise, he makes a very good action figure.

A small bag with gym stuff in it (shoes for weight lifting, notebook for workouts, straps, headphones), bags for the grocery store, roadside kit, a few basic tools, dog towels. That’s about it.