
Er, no. You guys are arguing. I’m just asking a question based on my own experience with actually being a part of a union at a university once upon a time. If you don’t like the question, don’t answer it, but don’t pretend to be “calling me out” on anything, as if being a keyboard commando for your pet issue makes one

And not just the grays. The entire top part of the comments section is full of shit.

To some, maybe. I’m not defending anyone. Just asked a question. So put down the Xbox controller, waddle outside, and get some fresh air. In my (albeit limited) experience as a union employee at a University, we didn’t consider non-NLRA employees (faculty, administration) or guests of the university to be “crossing

Can they even be said to be “crossing the picket line” if they aren’t going to work there in that particular industry? They aren’t scabs, after all; they’re renting space at the university for their event. They may not be putting their event on hold in solidarity with the workers, but I’d say that unless they’re

I liked him better when he was a large and moving Torb.

I, a white boy, sat for the pledge in 6th grade (this would have been 1984 or thereabouts). It had the words “under God” in it and I already knew I was an atheist, so I didn’t see the point in pledging to something I didn’t believe in. I remember once being hauled up out of my seat by the teacher. That resulted in a

He’ll be running for statewide office soon enough...

Came into Charlotte (CLT) nearly sideways once, fishtailing all over the place. After we were firmly traveling in a straight line and slowing down, the pilot comes on and says, “Whooooaaaaa, Nelly.”

Well, of course they are. Doesn’t it go without saying that white men skew Republican and have for a very long time? 

Why did you do that to us? Christ, I just ate lunch.

You make fair points, for sure. From Ebony magazine (2016):

No argument from me, but again, not really a profound statement, having been true for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Maybe. I don’t think college educated white women can pat themselves on the back. They broke for Clinton 51-49. Hardly a ringing endorsement of their good judgment. This same demographic went for Romney by 6 points four years earlier.

Well, white women also brought us W., two wars, and a recession, so this may not be the worst thing that they’ve done in the last 20 years.

Not arguing with the spirit of your post, but people hammer this stat like it somehow explains something profound. All it means is that white women continue to vote Republican, just as they have for decades, and will stand by their candidate no matter what horrors he decides to visit upon them. 56% of white women

The only thing worse than discovering that a group of conservative shitheads have created a Professor Watchlist is realizing that I’m probably not on it. Going to have to do something about that.

This is a really good post. I’m teaching a course on autobiography this term and we regularly debate issues of agency, individuality, the construction of the self, etc. I’m going to print this out for my students.

Kentucky edition:


Pretty much this. We can all stand around and scratch our nuts (literal or proverbial) and wonder what to do about this, but the solution is pretty obvious. When I’m living in/traveling in Japan, Taiwan, Canada, and Europe, the thought of some rando with a firearm destroying my life doesn’t even cross my mind. I mean,