
Uh, no, but you can take this one thing as that, as what that character (“Tina Fey,” as you astutely point out) would do confronted with the facts as they stand. “Tina Fey” would not go and protest Nazis, she’d stick her head up her own ass. No one said it was sympathetic.

Truth. I’ll admit I can fuck up fried chicken for other people, but I take no responsibility for Van Jones.

Did you see the whole clip, in which he was just sort of staring down at all the people/press/whoever else was watching Drumpf and his imported child bride? Vacant is a good word.

Really? It seemed painfully obvious. And all/most of her characters, from Mean Girls to 30 Rock, eat their feelings and wallow in impotence. It’s kinda her thing.

Yep. We can kill lots of poor people while “only” endangering a few thousand (active military) lives at a time. It’s a safe bet. Everyone loves, and the press will spank it out to shock and awe all over again.

A most elegant burn, good sir/ma’am.

You hit the nail on the head. What kind of asshole thrives on that much aggravation? Even my dickhead cat has better things to do.

Nixon and the EPA, yadda yadda.

Gotta agree with you on that point. The DNC seems to have done a shitty job cultivating down-ballot talent in state races.

“The Berlin Wall fell when I was in first or second grade.” I remember it very clearly, have a piece of it somewhere in a box, and went to a massive concert there when it fell having just graduated high school.

The lines of fissure are already there, I think. Groups like the Tea Party Conservatives (to name the obvious, right-wing example) just need to have the stones to get on the ballot without an (R) next to their name.

Eh, college players have scholarships. They’re in a tough spot. Personally I give them a pass. The NCAA is evil, but I say reform it without endangering someone’s tuition waiver.

Some shitburger who was planning to vote for Trump told me, before the election, “A bad revolution is better than no revolution.” No. No it fucking isn’t.

Privilege? Pot, meet kettle. Just FYI, some people, even people you know, don’t come from a family, they survive it. I don’t owe my parents anything.

The Bamiyan Buddhas. Built ca. 500 CE. Destroyed by the fucking Taliban (who were said to have had support from Pakistani military personnel, who helped them finish the job).

I just wanted to say thank you for this series. It’s at once fascinating, tragic, and terrifying. I’ve been (coincidentally) reading a lot about climate change lately, and your work has added a new dimension to how I think about the subject. Great reporting!

Sure, I see your point. At the same time, what I’m driving at is that it’s business as usual. They’ve always had their own little corner of publishing and society and will continue to do so. Let them do it on their own. Apple or Google are under no obligation to spread it any more than Houghton Mifflin or Palgrave

By area, the whole West Coast is like that. Outside of the I-5 corridor, Oregon and Washington can be pretty fucked up. (Hell, even inside the I-5 corridor, but I’m speaking in relative terms here.)

Is that really so different than it ever was? Back when I was a young tyke, I would never find hate literature at a mainstream bookstore or from a mainstream publisher. I only ever saw crazy shit like the kind read by Handlebar Mustache Secret Nazi Barista Douche when he accidentally left it laying around, or under a