
There’s also the Lamda-class shuttle Tydirium

We’ll have to see how his Piter DeVries holds up against Brad Dourif’s

Who, BTW, would also be a great nominee for this category - he’s also done Trek, B5, X-Files, Agents of SHIELD, so many horror movies, and, of course, LOTR.

I’ll have you know Carnival Row was great.

In the book, and the first film IIRC, it’s having no toes.

In the UK, almost certainly most people were aware of that kind of condition - The Last Leg is a popular show, and co-host Alex Brooker has a similar (not exactly the same) condition.

Heighliners are somewhere between class 4 and 5 - they’re shown as transport for rich-people (and attendants), hence 5, but the focus is really on the characters not the journey, and they do fit in an ecosystem of various other ships (hence 4). My gut says given Dune is all about the elites, they’re a 5.

And they’re

Did you just use “subtle” and “bard” in two linked sentences?

Mmmm, I think I have a new explanation for this guy:

She am what she am.

Might want to check the dates of NY ComicCon, there. I suspect this was his day 1 costume.

Remember a little something called Forbidden Planet, maybe?

Flame structures, we call these when you find them in hard rock.

Brydon and Coogan? Should be quite a trip...

It’s possible people just looked at the director’s name.

Technically, those aren’t mace gauntlets. They’re something even cooler - morning star gauntlets.

I have no idea why recommending your post (ISWYDT!) caused the counter to go down, sorry. 

Now playing

But Sandawe and Hadza are only grouped with Khoisan languages because they have clicks. By all other measures, they are isolates.

Also, Tibetans and Nepalis are hardly albinos:

You’re saying this like Africa doesn’t have cold uplands or mountains that get snow..

All the Bantu languages that use clicks are confined to Southern Africa, so I wouldn’t characterise them as “incredibly widely spoken”, it’s more like there’s a “front” of contact with the Khoisan. Also, it looks like the introduction of clicks into that Bantu stratum is a relatively recent phenomenon, not one of