
I've been playing Infinite Crisis and the line up could be expanded with some of the Alt-universe Batmen. Nightmare Batman would be a very intimidating fast bowler, Mecha Batman would be a No 6 attacking batsman and Gaslight Batman probably a tricky spinner.

I haven't watched this since the early 90s. I think I need to remedy that situation soon.

Oh man, that's a list just glowing with memories.I was actually just thinking of The Highwayman the other day.

Masters of the Universe.

Whoa. As a South African I have never heard of that movie. Probably for good reason.

I don't normally enjoy this feature, but this one was great. Usually it comes across as someone just spitefully beating up on something popular. Mary was far more chilled with her 'hate' and it's fun to see her opinion switch around. Sean and Mary had a great interplay.

Yeah, the palette may be on the dark side, but the dialogue and action seem silly (in a good way) to me.

I liked Rogue well enough in the old cartoon series, but I've never liked Anna Paquin in the role and I like her even less since True Blood, so this is not at all interesting.

My name is Dave, so it's too generic for me to get particularly hung up on who I share it with. And not many people have ever connected the name with anyone from pop culture.

Modern Family isn't a great show by any means, but I still get solid laughs, mostly from the great performances and timing. Even at its worst it's still better than most of the last 3 seasons of Community.

When I was in high school my parent bought a 386 with a monochrome monitor, which was already outdated at the time. I had friends with 486 who played cool games, but one did lend me the discs for F19 Stealth Fighter.

That's a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

A movie about Stephen Donald? I mean, great he won the cup with a kick, and that's cool and all. But he's the guy mostly famous for not being Dan Carter.

'The very point of this article is to parse down to the trees, of a very
imposing forest of 28 individual television seasons, and see how it adds
to a basic impression of a forest.'

Yeah, I get that now, but the Utopian aspects are not very clear if you watch the movies, and a few scattered episodes of the other series, without the context of the original series, which is how I was exposed to them.

I never really 'got' Star Trek. I remember seeing the movies when I was young and enjoying them without finding them to be anything special. I saw a few odd episodes of TNG and DS9, thought TNG was pretty ordinary (to be fair most of those episodes I saw were probably Season 1), but did like DS9.