
While I agree Lenny was real they did leave just enough of a gap open to interpretation that I can't completely dismiss people who think that she wasn't.

Sure, except that's not how Asimov worked. He didn't break the rules of his universe. He used them to experiment with story telling and philosophy. Every time a robot in an Asimov story seems to break the Laws it's because of an unforeseen consequence and interpretation. It's why one of the central characters in many

The idea in Asimov's work is that the laws are immutable because they're fundamental to the lowest level of the technology. A robot with a positronic brain can't be reprogrammed to break the laws any more than a human can be reprogrammed to breathe methane.

It is absolutely worth watching through till the end. The journey and growth of the characters is fantastic, even if every question doesn't end up answered.

Haven't watched S02 yet, I'm waiting for a binge opportunity next week, but even early on one thing I've loved about Sense8 is how they've taken things that are mysterious and mythic and rendered them, well not mundane, but understandable.

Okay, I like Star Wars as much as any sane person does, but can these nerds just fucking settle down with over-analysing every thing that comes out?

I think 15 minutes is pretty much the optimal Freddy Got Fingered dosage. Any more and it starts to get toxic.

50 First Dates for me. It's just conceptually so gross.

Yeah, I wouldn't say I *defend* Phantom, but it had some interesting ideas and was quite joyful. Clones and Revenge were pure drag.

You know something, this is doomed and harmless. I gave this kid a click and I'd encourage others to do the same. It's a tiny drop of joy for a stranger.

Wow, never even heard of this. Looks interesting.

There was a whole Anne Hathaway backlash a few years back.

No need to get eaten alive.

Particularly bizarre since all of the writers were men. So unless one of them is a trans woman we don't know about there's no one for her to be a stand in for.

Snyderesque colour palette aside this looks dope.

This is really well expressed. In a lot of ways I like the movie more than the series, even though I'm sure the series is better in many ways. I prefer the movie tonally as it leans into the absurdity. The series' tone is a bit dissonant to me, especially early on.

I rewatched this movie recently and I still really enjoy it. It's very much of its time, but it's cute and charming. Paul Reubens is, of course, amazing, but I think most of the cast seemed to be having a good time.

Well, 'the left' as a homogeneous political group is non-existent, so you won't get a unified opinion on any issue.

No, you're right. I did watch a bit of one of the seasons. It was trash.

Twitter was great. It's become markedly less fun, but it's how I stay connected with current events outside of the mainstream media.