I don’t understand this logic — will these “moderate” and “independent” voters immediately forget that these are the same guys that kissed Trump’s ass just a few months earlier?
I don’t understand this logic — will these “moderate” and “independent” voters immediately forget that these are the same guys that kissed Trump’s ass just a few months earlier?
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Point of interest from here:
Chewing gum works pretty good. Only problem is getting it out of your ears afterwards.
44-year-old clickbait. Well played.
‘A perfectly reasonable product next to a dangerous and heinous one,” thinks both political parties.
All these things and the comments are why I only run if I’m being chased by grizzly bears.
i prefer the community on the US sites, a lot more interaction & people actually bother to comment. Plus you dont have to scroll through a page of “New diet pill has doctors stunned” sort of ads before getting anywhere.
Have you seen the UK sites though? I have, last time I was traveling through London Airport I got redirected to them, and how anyone finds anything in that mess is amazing. No wonder so many Brits turn off the UK version, it is completely impossible to track stories on it.
When I first saw these, I was really intrigued. And I was in the market for a new set of monitors too, so I actually considered one. However, I think there are some personal preference things that might make me weird:
it has become a problem for a generation of younger women
I hope a knowledgeable someone answers this. I recently watched the first three seasons of The Boondocks and I want Regina King to make all the money.
Eh. As I am not an infant, elderly, or otherwise immuno-suppressed, I never get a flu shot. But I like to think my reasons are more science-based than Ashanti's.
The fact that she was literally in the process of saying "The flu shot makes you sick" makes me enraged. ENRAGED. Hopefully Whoopi did it on purpose.
I think we need to focus less on the fart and more on the idiot who isn't getting a flu shot.
This is brilliant. Goodbye forever, Lifehacker and all Gawker sites.
It looks like he paper mached over them or something. They're oddly shiny, and have faces painted on with garish tempra-paint-like colors. It also looks like an 8-year old drew the faces. SO creepy.
It's not as creepy as the nightmare-fuel doll, but the number of pictures of her they deemed fit to stuff in the article is a little disturbing...
Never went on it, but I know what it is.