
I have my issues with Sanders’s being an independent throughout his career instead of just being a Democrat. But your post is basically nonsense.

The hand-wringing over the “Never Hillary” guys is so disingenuous considering Clinton had her own group of backers (PUMA) that did the thing they’re claiming Bernie’s supporters do, but just back in ‘08. 

She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary nonsense certainly didn’t help her

Because they are 10 months out from releasing a new controller. And they have given a few companies official license already to make Elite like controllers. 

The article mentions it still accommodates headsets though.

You say Psi Ops and I upvote. I have a treasure trove of OG Xbox games. Glad I have em now.

My thoughts exactly. Wii U, anyone?

I can’t wait for the speed runs.

Some comments I saw online stated how women were unhappy with the remark, saying that Bang Dream isn’t only enjoyed by men, so these language Kidani used was off-putting. 

Trying having the same skin tone as a Roma in Europe, or having a darker skin complexion in places like Cambodia. It isn’t just an American thing.

Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever

Already knew this was going to be here:

The slowness by which Bills fan bystanders tend to him (not to mention the fact they held onto their beers) is as 1:1 on-brand as it gets.

I feel like this is a bit underwhelming. It seems like the best ideas of Overwatch are on PC. While I don't know for certain, Overwatch on consoles feels a bit like TF2 on consoles, only with actual updates.

What? All the people  I know with freckles, have waaaay more that the lady in this video. 

It’s not about time or effort. There’s probably more effort put into a single death stranding character than in this entire demo.

Same. It’s one of those games you wish your friends would get into, but NO. It’s Smash or bust.

Perhaps we can find new ways to motivate him.

I assure you, Lord Vader, my man is working as fast as he can

But will it be completed on schedule?