
Someone that tells you that you need to watch all of something, or to play the whole game before you can properly form an opinion, will also not accept your opinion as being formed correctly if you *do* happen to watch/play the whole thing.

New sub translation seems to have some mistakes/inconsistencies.

So much for this coming to the West lol

Tourist-focused cafes usually just make me cringe

There are two Phil Spencers.

I hope there’s stiff enough penalties to reverse the trend from the last 2 years. This is getting dumb.

PSA for visitors: Don’t block the fast line.

based on monolith and NCL’s first job listing, and that they’ll be reusing a lot of tech, I’d expect 2021.

This is awesome

Twitch was a mistake

I thought the same thing when they showed off the gameplay. I mean, if you had THAT powerful of a weapon, wouldn’t you move a lot quicker in picking off enemies? And what’s up with the spider who can take multiple hits with it, unless it’s a QTE, in which case it goes down in one hit. Or the boss troopers who take

These are so good

Somehow I still havent been to Konparu. thanks for the reminder

Ah! that makes more sense.  all it said was that he went into a bathroom.

Love the old castles

I guess Im confused. Was he not allowed into E3 bathrooms?

Thanks I love it

Sadly dominos is some of the better pizzas in a lot of places

It’s way better than Detroit, so I’ll take it!

Not sure if you knew this, but she also is the English voice on the tokaido shinkansen. Listen again sometime when it switches to her. She’s been on a few Japanese tv shows as a result