Not one, but two black protagonists?! Cool
Not one, but two black protagonists?! Cool
In the words of Jay-Z “if you want my old shit, buy my old album”.
Good read. The hosts handled that terribly, but it’s in line with what I normally see on Japanese talk/topic shows
Thats beautiful
Good for that kid though. That’s quite the accomplishment.
Wow never thought I’d see the day
NHK allegedly has 8K broadcasts now too.
It’s just like America, I guess.
Kickstarter in a nutshell right here. Dont invest in anything that doesn’t give you ownership, profit sharing, or both.
Aimyon has absolutely been killing it this year!
I actually might get this just because I like games. I dont know how else to explain it.
Someone calling something garbage that they havent played? Never change, internet! Never change.
This album is shaping up to be really good. I love her creativity so much. this track sounds like it samples a Final Fantasy song or something
works fine for me in the US. record labels generally region lock everything, so somebody somewhere probably will have the issue
that almost never happens.....and if it does, you’ll probably not notice is. as an American, I much prefer how Im treated in Japan.
as a fellow black guy, you’re going to run into an awkward moment or two, but just that.
Separate your trash, stop shouting and eating messy foods on the subway, and stop taking up both elevator lanes with your bag. Some folks got places to be.
Finally watched that a few weeks ago, and damn is everything else after it inspired by it.
Should have delayed my wedding another year XD
Looks so good!