Mr.Custodial Arts

"I'm afraid you're just TOO DARN LOUD."

"Angel Dust" by Faith No More maybe?

I'd be most offended being subjected to that Kanye shit! YEEZUS!

This could be the greatest show in the world, but based on it's plum slot I automatically hate it like a trust fund baby without watching one second of it-plus I've never thought of Peter Schilling so much in my life!

"BEFORE, after, BEFORE, after…"

I'll give you a like-I found the breakfast joke to be obvious and pandering! I have the feeling we have a LOT of Big Bang Theory fans around here…

Yeah…even as a wee child seeing them floating in the pool, I never had the urge to put one in my mouth…especially with that little dab of red in the middle…no thanks.

Everything you said has been expressed in comments #112, 732, 854, 858, and 1,002…why are your comments specialer than the rest of us??? :(

My first thought was Jesse knows what REALLY gets to Walt…and I figure it must be something to insult his intelligence…but yeah, this show is driving me SHITHOUSE.

I found the hug he gave Jesse to be more sincere than the one he gave Jr..

I waited until 8:30…plus I'm at work, so I get paid for this shit.

“Whatever you think's supposed to happen, I’m telling you the exact reverse opposite of that is going to happen."

YUP…we call upon the author to explain!

I can't believe how unrealistic this show about serial killers is!

Shit…now I have to actually watch one of these fuckin' things.


After listening to "Into the Unknown" for the first time just now on YouTube (I never bothered until now…kinda one of those things), having Todd Rundgren as a producer later on makes much more sense…

"For some reason I think about this song whenever I hear adults discussing Justin Bieber and all his 'serious' problems."

Can I have your Black Flag records then, man? I'm 38 and still kinda angry and stuff.