“I can’t believe this game (and now its support) is such a mess that I’ve had to write three stories about a plastic bag.”
“I can’t believe this game (and now its support) is such a mess that I’ve had to write three stories about a plastic bag.”
I think this is a good guess, other than TLOU2!
It starts with a D and ends with an “iablo”
This was beautiful
The developers have run out of energy, and have to wait for it to regenerate. Or we can buy them more energy now.
It’s better not to care.
Umm, There are going to be Winnie the Pooh Minigames in Kingdom Hearts 3! If gamers can’t get excited about that then I don’t know what to tell you.
Personally I don’t think any of this justified holding the event in the first place.
ok guys who asked for this? Stand up so we can shame you.
The complete silence from the crowd after the video says everything about what a misstep this is considered by the fanbase. Easily the worst received announcement of the keynote, and the one they had hyped up the most.
There’s a reason Bayek of Siwa gets to pet cats. There is a requirement of excellent character to get to pet cats that most video game protagonists simply don’t have.
WAIT. This changes everything. How did I miss this??
Thanks for speaking for everyone!! cause you know what everyone wants. Can you get me a Xmas present? you know my address so I don’t need to tell you. Thanks you Da BES!!
Just all boycott the game already to show them we DON’T want a multiplayer online Fallout, especially one that is clobbered together using this 6 years old engine
I know betas are expected to have bugs, but this game is on a whole other level.
I mean I know this is a joke, but it’s just a bad one.
If Fifty Cent wants to make beef with me, he should buy all the stuff at my yard sale. That’ll show me!
Remember how everybody’s favorite part of Breath of the Wild was the 5 seconds it took to cook food? Now imagine it’s that, but for every. single. button press. Realism! Yay! So worth spending my limited adult time on.
Do that but GOD I hate it.
For every 1 minute firefight you’d have to spend 10 minutes to loot dead bodies because they somehow decided you have to watch the animation of looting every single body.
I killed three guys who for no reason started shooting when I walked past them to the local pub.