Everything looks fine. Our team isn’t super excited about it, but all of us are looking forward to getting back to Japan and getting back to the grind and getting it out there for everyone.
Everything looks fine. Our team isn’t super excited about it, but all of us are looking forward to getting back to Japan and getting back to the grind and getting it out there for everyone.
why reinvent the wheel? because there hasn’t been a good spiderman game since spiderman 2 and before that was spiderman ps1.
The main character looks like Sam Witwer (Being Human US, Force Unleashed)
That’s pretty low on my list of things to pretend to be outraged about.
Just a day after the worst gun massacre in U.S. history, it might be hard to get into the mood to hype anything,…
Aisha Tyler doing something in bad taste?
When your trailer is nothing but a dig at Marvel and DC and is still probably the best of E3 so far.
This was my first completely positive reaction this E3.
“Better technology”
Meh. This semi-new-console concept is making me yawn and want to go back to PC gaming full-time.
All hail.
I don’t know what the fuck that was but this is Prey and always will be:
(Based on comments so far) Guess I’m the only one excited. Finished it on the pc a few years ago, and kept meaning to go back.
“Pretty typical and unremarkable” was how I’d describe EA’s press conference.
WTF was this press conference. 50% of it was just them talking about how they had nothing to show off until later in the fall.
I can’t handle all this gameplay I’m seeing.
They genuinely had nearly 4 minutes of footage where they showed nothing of any of the games apart from a couple of untextured renders.
They lost a lot of writers in the past year...it’s not coming for awhile my friend. expect it in 2 years.
Goddammit just give me a proper trailer, enough of this behind the scenes nonsense.