
Couldn’t disagree more. The whole purpose of this enterprise is as much realism as possible in a fantasy world. The purpose of the book is the draw of what events are going to draw them all back together. How does Tyrion come back in some form to Westeros, how does Arya make her return, who claims the crown of the


Tyler...“Still, the question remains, what is it doing in eastern Arizona? The answer may lie somewhat to the west—in New Mexico.”

Unless I failed geography....New Mexico is east of Arizona, not west.

Slow Clap.....

I sure hope the government is not footing the bill for fixes on systems that should have been working under the original contract... but my guess is that as with so many things in the federal government the contract was crapily negotiated.

I was thinking the same thing...if the drone knew there were that many in a compact space why not bring in an AC-130 to mop up after the drone get’s it’s few bombs off. I know we have one or two in Djibouti so why wouldn't we utilize it.

Well he sorta reversed his reversal...he said he’d change the law to make it legal. Probably not realizing that the “Law” was an international treaty, and changing it would be neigh impossible...but hey he’s such a great negotiator they’ll just do what he wants....Moron.

Umm, are you on crack? Lets just assume that the whole 10,000 artillery pieces that have Seoul in range is an exaggeration and it’s more like 3,000(oh and don't forget their ballistic missiles). Between the US and S.Korea there are about 500 combat aircraft in the area. So lets assume a 100% rate for each bomb dropped

but look at all that razor wire and fencing, if that isn't military hardware then what is?

Also you may note that Tyler's article on Nitro Zeus was about military software, so why don't you complain about that a little too ;).

more a complaint of the Jalopnik folks coming in here and complaining weekly about why is their precious car blog being contaminated...Not referencing the other people chewing you out. Anyway... Complaining to Foxtrot that Jalop is putting them on the front page is a little ridiculous. You may as well complain to Fox

for the 8 millionth time...this is Foxtrot Alpha... you don't need to read it if you don't want to.

From the aerial view it looks like there are at least 2 launchers in the area. I heard the same thing and I’m guessing that it is the second launcher sending off terrorist homing unguided rockets.

Setting aside the fact that your argument against Russia’s annexation included “Given” and “always”, we’ll circle back to that in a moment...The Russians for 24 years did not give one iota about Crimea or complain about the status of Russian nationals in Ukraine, or more specifically Crimea. They only cared once it

I love the illogical arguments of the Russian trolls. Apparently conducting test runs to nuke Finland isn’t antagonistic. And Russia is just defending its neighbor(without a shared border) to prevent ISIS from taking over(by attacking Non-ISIS groups).

I’d like to start a new phrase that will penetrate the US vernacular. “That’s so Ted Cruz.” It basically means when someone who is already an idiot, does something incredibly stupid. I guess we could just call it repetitive stupidity, but I’d like to coin the phrase so that it’s referencing the guy.... Any suggestions?

As to why they didn’t shoot it out of the probably would have precipitated an event worse than the shelling of Yeonpyeong or the sinking of the Cheonan... So they don’t want to risk being the instigator in a war triggering event.

As to why the world lets them get away with it. China is the only nation that

The whole mobilization seems like a dramatic waste of resources. I can see bringing in some additional forces for security that SF can't provide and maybe boost the security #'s by a couple hundred. But it sounds like they're mobilizing a few thousand people. Harbor security...should be doing it anyway, why change

So with the elephant walk do they take off like that too(obviously not a pilot or in the military at all)? I seem to remember a plane going down over NYC shortly after 9/11 that crashed because a jumbo that took off a couple minutes before screwed with the lift of the next plane a couple of minutes later....


Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactica