
“Life is just a long day’s journey into tomorrow”

That’s one of the reasons most services have profiles now. You can watch your softcore porn and the family is none the wiser.


It’s amusing how butt hurt some people are getting when people in the comment section of a review of Gadsby’s comedy special offer their opinion about that very special.

I was scrolling down to see if anyone brought this up.

I’m pretty sure he’s not sitting down at his laptop with Adobe Premiere, but a show like that is made in the edits and I expect he has to watch all of the footage and come up with shots he wants in the show. Then he’s reviewing the rough cuts and making suggestions. I’m sure it’s a lot of work for him, even if he

Yeah, the ones with better guests really need more run time to breathe. But a lot of the guests were mediocre or poor and it was nice when they were short. 

The truth is, you can’t get a C8 now and you probably won’t be able to for some time to come unless you know someone or are willing to pay way over sticker.

Like Heaven’s Gate, the biggest issue with Ishtar was the ridiculous budget (51 million dollars) for it’s very mediocre receipts.

I’ve seen it. In fact, I saw it in the theater in 1985.

Worldwide gross of over 77 million against a budget of 8.6 million. That’s a pretty big box office success.

Have you ever been to a Broadway show? I love movies, but the experience is in no way comparable.

I agree, he makes very little sense as a character outside of “I’m a weak, spineless, bad guy.”

As much as I love her, Natalie Dormer’s various roles in this show just dump a giant bucket of cold water on everything. Every time we get a little momentum going, she pops here face in to remind us that all of them evil men do is because of some magical being putting her thumb on the scale.

First thing that came to my mind when I saw it, but I’m a big weirdo.

Nostalgia is a hell of drug, man.

Now playing

Chrysler made a film back in the early 70's for their dealers and salesmen called “Selling Cars To Women”. It included helpful tips like “Pay attention to what they want” and “Treat them like human beings”.

I don’t really see The Wire as a novel for television. It’s a lot of smaller stories that exist mostly in parallel and intersect fairly infrequently. There’s no central character or driving story. There’s no real rising action or climax over the course of the series. As I said before, the plots are almost beside the

It’s not “The Wire Effect”, it’s “The Lost Effect”.

So now the show is even more “Person Interest with Robots”.