
Yes it is!

Same same

Once again, everyone who works security in the Westworld universe is an incompetent boob.

Last time I checked, this is still the USA and the fourth and fifth amendments are still active. . Police aren’t allowed to randomly pull you over just to ask where you’re going and you’re under no obligation to tell them.

Lily’s specialty is encryption. She has to know all about what’s random and what isn’t.

The explosion on Praxis threatened to pollute the Klingon homeworld of Qo’noS and make it uninhabitable. So...not destroyed exactly, but kind of the same thing.

I would actually be OK with that.

This is the third go round for “Let’s destroy the homeworld of a popular alien race” on Star Trek. The Klingons in “The Undiscovered Country”, The Vulcans in Abrams Trek and now this.

You cut off the last line

Allen has always said he’s not an intellectual.

Publishers don’t fact check much of anything, especially not memoirs.

I’m not that old and I’d sign up for that.

It’s not like The Matrix invented the idea of being unknowingly trapped in a virtual world. Simulacron-3, written in 1964, covered a lot of the same ground. In that book, human consciousness was contained on drum storage

The security guys were the worst. They were all stupid and sloppy.

Until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume that the crime app is  run by and for the giant AI as a way to monitor and control criminal activity.

Yeah, there’s a real Scooby Doo vibe going on now. 

I thought this was the best episode of the series so far. I’ve felt all along that the show was holding back, luring us in and setting up a balls to the wall explosion of crazy.

Fuck SyFy. They cancel everything half decent.

None of this makes any sense at all. I know it’s a farce, but come on.

I started looking at CPO WRXs because I didn’t want to eat that depreciation hit, but a lot of them were obviously problem children and the savings off of a brand new one weren’t allthat great.