
Do you seriously expect this story to be on

I’m not sure what’s worse, that you wrote this stupid thing or that at least ten people starred it, thinking it’s some kind of clever insight.

Well, I’d really like to watch the show you’re watching, because the one on my TV just isn’t very good.

It’s funny how many B5 fans think JMS invented the hoary, overused tropes he used on that show.

A lot of players turn a modest turn in the high minors into a lucrative career coaching or training. Plus he was on the 40 man, so he’s a member of the MLBPA with the benefits that provides

It’s not stupid at all.

I think DS9 stands as an example of what Trek can and could do given the proper amount of resources.

He made it to the Show. That means he’s more successful than most people who play the game professionally.

For that, I’m happy to go with AOC’s 70% tax bracket. 

If the players want me to care about superstars not getting all the hundreds of millions of dollars they deserve, maybe they could could first start giving a crap about all the poor slobs working their balls off in the minors while trying to subsist on PBJs and ramen.

Requiem For Methuselah” is definitely lower tier TOS fare. It’s in third season and near the end of the run. It’s clear they were running out of steam.

My biggest issue with this episode is that they didn’t really establish the relationship between Talla and Locar to the degree required for the ending to earn the emotional punch it was going for.

I remember watching the 80's Buck Rogers series and there’s a scene where Buck is lying in bed and controlling or viewing something and the controller was the same electronic game I had gotten for my birthday some years back.

Dude, I have watched every episode.

I didn’t think of that because it was so so dumb. Somehow the technology to zoom 200% on picture has been lost to time.

I know this is bit of a sensitive subject, but the level of Mary Sue from Michael Burnham was just off the charts.

No, you’re absolutely wrong.

I agree with Jerry Seinfeld. It’s a bigger loss for the Oscars than it is for Hart.

It’s a “drive by”, the same way you still “dial” a phone number.