Why the hell do we need a North AND a South Dakota? Combine both of them with Montana and Wyoming and make one state with a combined population of about three million.
Why the hell do we need a North AND a South Dakota? Combine both of them with Montana and Wyoming and make one state with a combined population of about three million.
There are states that don’t allow a sub-minimum wage for tipped employees. California, for example, has an $11 minimum wage. All employees must be paid that wage. There is no sub-minimum or tip credit allowed for servers or any other tipped employee.
I like Shur’s apology for hiring C.K.. Unfounded rumors of misconduct means someone shouldn’t have a job.
Well, that’s a downgrade, but maybe we’ll get a Babylon 5 reference out of the deal.
I really like Wendell Pierce, but I think he was miscast here.
The entire drone pilot arc was just pointless. It had pretty much nothing to do with the story.
It seems like the Griffin was just an excuse to do some cheap, transgender jokes. Unfortunately, like most of the jokes in this show, they all landed like a sack of wet cement.
I’m sorry, this is abuse.
I can see that. Still...it is a rebellion of sentient murderbots. In the end, I think they’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
So the powers that be at Delos figure that the best way to put down a revolution of sentient murderbots is to send in a bunch of badly-trained mooks with assault rifles and dune buggies. Nobody even though to bring a 50 cal or some grenades?
He killed 16 Czechoslovakians; guy was an interior decorator
You can’t tell anything from that angle
I didn’t see anything in that speech where he talks about killing his own people that read like remorse to me. He seemed angry, but proud of the steps he was willing to take to put his plan in motion.
At the end of the day, Killmonger is yet another raging, remorseless psychopath with a chip on his shoulder and a cockamamie scheme to rule/destroy/conquer the world. He’s not much different than the majority of MCU baddies and the only thing that makes him somewhat more interesting is that his motivations are rooted…
They are. Higgins is going to be a chick.
Yes, pretty much this.
It’s way past time for the Supergirl writers to realize that Mehcad Brooks just doesn’t work on the show and either make him a recurring character and move him to the background, or have him go back to his home planet.
A real, street-level hero in Supergirl would be a great idea. Maybe someone like The Question or The Huntress or heck, even Batgirl. You could do alot of the Batman/Superman type of stories with the usual philosophical arguments about means and ends.
Combs was great in all of his Trek roles, not to mention as the voice of The Question in JLU. He should be in more stuff.