
I’m wondering what realistic alternatives people would have preferred here.

Holy shit what a terrible episode. I guess the writers have forgotten who the characters are, or they just don’t care, so they write everyone as a douchebag moron.

He’s a tremendously talented actor. I’m not going to stop enjoying his prior work because he’s been revealed as a human shitstain.

His partner gave the new Captain the heads up that Alston might be talking to the press. Captain McDonagh then gives Alston a subtle message that he knows that any leaks to the press are probably going to be from him and offers him a carrot for keeping things in house, with the “stick” for transgressing implied by its

“The dick leads us into the story”

I’m not sure what’s supposed to be going on in the last part of this episode or what the relevant character motivations are supposed to be. None of it makes much sense.

This is such a weird review.’s part of feminism.

The super-breath attack seemed to work pretty well. A couple more of those and Psy would have been down for the count.

If you’re familiar with The Kingkiller Chonicles, the main character is a man and has been pointed out as a Mary Sue by many.

Still not really sure what’s going on with this show. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of actual story arcs, either over the whole series or in the individual episodes. Seems like we’re just meandering around, exploring the various characters and places in The Deuce, but without any kind

It’s pretty much exactly this

The thing here is, the premise of this episode, stuck on a world ship so so everyone forgets they’re on a ship, is a such a hoary SF trope. Heck, it was an old story idea back when the original Trek series did it back in 1968.

Zoe Perry, who plays Sheldon’s mom on Young Sheldon, is the daughter of Laurie Metcalf, who plays his mom on Big Bang Theory.

The Strain died as it lived, with a stupid plot that made no sense at all.

Maybe it’s a bit of an homage to Maus?

Have to wonder what the Zach endgame is here. I know most of the AVers hate his guts, and they’re not wrong to do so, but he is just a kid and he’s spent the last year or so under the direct influence of the two most evil beings in history. You’d have to be some kind of saint not to be all fucked up at this point.

Two great movie references! We must now become best friends.

But when is she going to meet Dinosaur Neil?

The 2001 Tick TV show didn’t have the budget for any actual superheroing, so it was all about the humor.