
My wife was very unhappy about the lack of Batmanuel.

All these comments will be tears in rain.

I don’t want people standing behind my furniture. That’s why I left the Soviet Union.

TapTapTap... is this thing on?

OK, so we head back to The Wall to capture a wight.

I guess the Gus story is about how humans are still going to fight with and murder each other over scraps even while the extinction of the race is at hand.

Has it really just been over nine months since Illumination Day? In that amount of time the Strigs have not only vanquished the US government, but set up a whole human blood farming apparatus?

I didn't really see that as a rape threat, more of a non-specific "you can be in a much more horrible place" threat.

Not necessarily.

He's not going to ask them to march on Kings Landing. They're going to fight the White Walkers and the army of the dead.

First principles, Clarice: simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius, "Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?"

They are two very different situations. The Karstarks and the Umbers turned against Robb Stark, but in war alliances do charge. Treason, certainly, but of a more reasonable sort. The Red Wedding was a betrayal of one of the most basic pillars of Westerosi tradition.

I figured it out before the reveal, but I think that if this were a show I watched one episode a week, instead of all ten in two days, I would have clocked who she was fairly early on.

I didn't mind the ending so much. Much like the ending to The Sopranos, by the time we get to the final scene, I was already unhappy enough with the way things had gone that there's nothing that's really going to sway things positive for me.

So, I binged the whole thing over the weekend while doing website work. I'll say that it did provide a good level of semi-distraction while not requiring too much brainpower.

Does he really not understand how social media works? One share, link or tweet from someone with a decent following and thousands of views is an easy get. Heck, one front page post on Reddit and you're a celebrity.

Great comment. It's funny that, even with all the evidence laid out in front of them, people still refuse to see it.

I think you and I watched two very different shows.

Yeah, not a lot of good options there. It's up to the victims to some forward in a case like this. If they don't there's not much you can do.

And it's not like participation awards was something invented 20 years ago. We had participation awards back in the 70's when I was a kiddo.