
How about never? Does never work for you?

What a lot of people don't realize is that it took him like ten years to write the first book and a half, and that was with a lot of help from his agent.

It would be neat if she was president in both universes, but slightly different.

Good thought.

They only have a short window from when the other timeship jumps to when they have to leave, so there's not a lot of time to prepare. Just grab some period costumes, weapon up and jump into history.

This is a fun show. There are some issues, but it's early on so maybe things will work themselves out as better shows often do.

I think it's important to look at which characters are making these assertions. It's not unreasonable that the black soldiers would give credit to Lincoln for their emancipation or that the non-historian time travelers would think saving the great man would at least mean a better deal for former slaves.

I don't know. I'd much rather be bald than have a non-working peen.

I laughed at the Wells Fargo sketch, but I do love The Music Man.

That's what I'm thinking as well. Everyone there has some issues to work on.

Plus…why the hell would he testify? They're obviously trying to pin the murder on him. Take the fifth.

I think the point of this show is that everyone involved basically sucks at their job.

We're not. We're better because we believe in better things, but there are just as many assholes on our side as on theirs.

Yes it does. Caucasian means white. Are the people of southern Italy not white because their skin is darker?

I'm still waiting for my copy Last Dangerous Visions.

I've never read any of the source material and it feels like there's just too many winks and nods and bits of backstory and mythology that only make sense to people who are intimately familiar with the comics.

I've also been pretty disappointed with the Queen Of Thorns so far this season. She's gone from a major player to a clueless old woman in fairly short order.

According to Baby Name Voyager, Gunnar is a name on the rise, being the 381st most popular boy's name in 2014.

Not a bad episode. All in all, I thought this was a pretty decent season all around.

It's not unheard of for siblings to refer to their common parents and "your father" or "your mother", especially when expressing frustration or similar emotions. I used to do that sometimes with my brothers.