
I was hoping it would be Gary Cole, but maybe that's a bit too meta.

It would have been nice if they had mentioned "oh yeah, Cuesta's been appointed to the federal bench. Lucky for us."

Tituss Burgess?

I think this glosses over just how incoherent, inconsistent and incomprehensible the plots in season six and seven have been.

It's interesting to watch 70's movies set in and around NYC. Back then, it seemed like it was the last days of Rome.

She was a traitor.

That's….that's awesome.

I believe the Soviets actually did a lot of these types of executions in the showers so as to facilitate easier cleanup.

I thought we were meant to understand Adalind's comment about "I guess we're going to bed early" because Nick was going out to mean exactly that. Sexytimes were planned, but interrupted due to Grimm business.

You are literally the worst person in the world.

When will then be now?

Who is?

The most famous Mabel is almost certainly from The Pirates of Penzance and her true love is Frederic, the slave of duty.


I really liked the first season of that show. Arnett as a SAHD was a great idea for a TV show. It wasn't super fully. More like a hang out and chuckle show, but I enjoyed. it.

Yeah…well. Me too.

The whole "wife of the Governor" thing makes no sense no matter how you think about it. Seriously, she's the wife of the fucking Governor of Illinois and she's doing bond court and repping DUI losers because she can't get any higher profile clients?

Really? As soon as Allison asked her guard for the gun, I knew he was a goner.

I'm still watching it. The case of the week is almost always bog stupid, but I do find the character interactions interesting.

Yes, we're supposed to forget about it. So please stop mentioning it.