Real fairy tales, not the Disney-fied ones we're more used to, are pretty damn dark. Go read the original Cinderella or The Little Mermaid or The Red Shoes.
Real fairy tales, not the Disney-fied ones we're more used to, are pretty damn dark. Go read the original Cinderella or The Little Mermaid or The Red Shoes.
This seems like a pretty silly question.
I guess I can just put this down to
different tastes, but it kind of bakes my noodle that so many people
seem to think that "Gemma Simmons and Her Boring Adventures On The
Deadly Planet Of The Blue Instagram Filter" was some kind of amazing
tour de force.
You gave a fuck when it wasn't your turn to give a fuck.
You're show is great, dude. Don't let the AV Club reviewers get you down. Sometimes I think they watch a lot of these shows while playing Words With Friends on their iPads.
I just binged the whole show (no spoilers here) and it does seem way too short.
I'm a nice guy and I've has a douchebag friend or two. Usually it was because they attached themselves to a group and no one person had the authority to tell them to feck off.
Pretty sure it was squat
He's a veteran who caught 80 passes the previous year. Nobody is going to cut someone like that over a minor altercation in a nightclub and if they did, teams would be lining up around the block to sign him.
Where do you think we Americans got it from? The leaf doesn't fall far from the tree.
I would pay real money to see Ragnar show up in Westeros.
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
I liked the "First Black President" joke, if for no other reason that it's a riff on Bill Clinton's similar claim. A show set in the 90's needs more Clinton references.
My big question here is, why the heck would you go to Coast City for Pizza. Coast City is generally considered to be an analogue of either LA or San Diego. Not somewhere I'd go for Pizza unless you're one of those mutants who like pineapple on it.
He hasn't once said, "Where do whores go?", so it's already infinitely better than the GRRM version.
Everyone underestimates Walt. That's his main superpower.
So…anyone else think Jennifer Goines is Cole's mother?
Apparently guy was crazy and had a bottle of propane open in the car. I've seen the video. The entire car goes up as soon the Taser is fired.
The problem with the show isn't that Phil is an asshole. It's that he's generic, sitcom, loser dude.