“Excuse me, did you just tell me—”
“Excuse me, did you just tell me—”
Maybe I’m just too much of a hippy, but these photos just makes me think of this ...
Step 1: Be in public.
I’m pretty sure he’s the most popular musician in the US... *sadness ensues*
The Thorfire flashlight promo seems to have ended, fyi
The Thorfire flashlight promo seems to have ended, fyi
This is exactly the arguement I use for gay marraige(having two lesbian moms) since I was a small child. Works great!
Extra Queso!!!
And what’s to stop someone “borrowing” a yellow taxi?
I did exactly this once when I was younger and I kid you not, it’s the only goal I’ve ever scored playing soccer... I feel your pain Helén Eke
I don;t know about him, but I am laughing at you to “mock you and lower you as a person” hahaha
this is like common practice that you get trained to do by the veterans.
That photographer just got soooo fired.
Love how the catcher is all like, “damn, I better go out there and help him.” ... “Oh shit, theres a game shit going on, back to the plate.” haha
Enjoy your cancer!
enjoy your cancer :)
A large knife in my backpack...
I’m sorry but I’m laughing so hard at you right now hahahahahahahahaha
Your article title is pure clickbait, you shit-ass journalist. There is no such thing a “Death by pot cookie”, just like there’s no “LSD overdoes”. The results of taking high doses of these drugs can make you exhibit behavior that ends with your death, but the drug/chemical cannot physically kill you.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t ruin sober sex, I mean think about it, ruin sex? That’s like saying once you have sex without a condom you’ll never be able to do it with one again. So if you’re really curious, go for it, you might not be fully functional by the time youre 80, lol.