The Fit Jew



Somehow you found a way to overreact to something that seemingly one would be unable to do so too but bravo. Suspend the program? As if every player at the school is at fault for the foolish actions of two guys? Yeah, no.

It’s quite possible the coach was unsure of who made the hit (obviously the refs were unsure — should they be fired too, since they clearly lack “semblance of control?”), and it’s also possible he didn’t order the hit.

Looks like you’ll have be happy getting your masters in being a judgmental asshole.

He killed HOW many hookers?

When your driver arrives in the Bentley instead of the Maybach.

What the fuck kind of Cobra Kai is that?

Sigh. Come on, really?

I would actually defend to some extent the part that dealt with how slaves formed a cultural and communal life. It doesn’t say that slavery wasn’t that bad - it just notes that slaves managed to create a lasting cultural legacy in spite of their hardships.

What harm can come from showing both sides of an argument? For example, when looking at the sky, it appears the sun revolves around the earth, and a student seeing this would be justified in their arguments. This can only lead to reasoned discussion and a proliferation of ideas that better align with students’ beliefs.

Ten seconds of totally normal baby talk with a dog.

That was followed by ten seconds or so of highly embarrassing baby talk with a dog in the office

I don't see why dudes would know bra sizes.

“I felt incredulous that people who are in uniform, on the job, and trusted with protecting the public could express so much contempt for women,” she said. “The misogyny is horrifyingly casual. How can such attitudes not affect their police work?

Good call. Freedom of association and freedom of speech are outdated, anyway.

Okay, kicking them off the train seems really extreme...BUT I gotta say I can’t stand groups of people who have zero consideration for others with their loud laughing...all races, all genders, all types. It’s obnoxious. I’ve watched entire bars clear out because one or more people think it’s fine to cackle at top

That’s not the sensitive new age Kyrgios I wait, that’s exactly the loutish behaviour he always demonstrates. He just got careless in a quiet stadium and the mics picked up his patter.

Misogynistic and disgusting. I’ve made allowances for Kyrgios’s behavior before, but no longer. This crossed SO many lines.

Get over myself? Because I expect you to not leave typos and extra words in an article you published? Okay buddy. Good luck with that.

Get over myself? Because I expect you to not leave typos and extra words in an article you published? Okay buddy.

How much did Amazon pay for this advertisement? You really should put a disclaimer on the top. "Paid Advertisement".

How much did Amazon pay for this advertisement? You really should put a disclaimer on the top. "Paid Advertisement".