
I’m not in the military. Never have been. Never even remotely interested in joining. But I was able to call bullshit every time they opened their mouths because I devour everything Tyler writes.

It’s a fair question, Mike.

My new favorite paint for any fighter aircraft.

Major freedom boner achieved from these images, well done.

B-1B coming off a tanker earlier this year.


Thanks! It is what I have done as part of my job for the USCG for almost longer than I care to remember...

Dude. Sick! Your photos are as good as the ones up top. I especially dig that pic of the cruiser dropping into the sea. GJ on those ones.

U.S. Army Flight School supporting U.S. Army Ranger School

Thank you for including the Coast Guard! Here are a few more to enjoy.

Yep Saddam hid (including some that were buried) his fighters rather than try to fight US air power, or risk his AF fleeing like in the first Gulf War. His hope was to ride out the war and then dig them out.

Do you accept artwork?

I wish they had images of the 1st Gulf War with an young Army Ranger passed out buck-naked, with only his Kevlar, L.B.E., and his boots outside the perimeter. With only his Kevlar helmet to cover the dangley bits, as he walked to the gate.....with a fuckin’ massive hangover.

Everybody is so relaxed. Zen Military.


For some reason, I NEVER get sick of reading about this plane.

You can’t see it, Tyler, but right now I have the biggest shit-eating grin you would have ever seen. Thank you so much for bringing yet another great story.