
I’m seeing a trend of people noting cars that weren’t cool but are now fetching high prices.

It’s like Bob Ross crosses with alThe Fast and the Furious.

At least the top level ones are fuel injected now...

To be fair, my dad had late 70s Spyders on the 80s and they had rust starting to creep in.

Aaaaaannnnnnd I live in the black hole of. Rap an racing here I. Southern Idaho. All we get is crazy mud racing and that ultra exotic speed run up in Sun Valley. Neither is budget friendly. *sigh*

Bakers are sweet. They have a restored on on Spokane ,WA and it’s pretty neat.

Saw the cover graphic and thought: Must have the old style Twin I-beams with the kingpins if it needs that kind of alignment.

Fiat stop selling cars in ‘82. Pininfarina sold 124 Spyders and X1/9s for a few more years under their own name.

My dad and I always talked about dropping a 12a wankel in his 124. We figured you could probably swap in the engine and transmission pretty easily and then add downdraft carbs.

This might not be as exotic as the stuff to pu press guys see, but back in the day I met a group on the street that stuffed a Subaru 1800 boxer mother and transaxle into the back seat area of a Subaru 360. It was pre cell phone camera days so I don’t have photos and ivepve never seen another like it.

What is this convertible weather you speak of? Just froze my fingers off refilling the HEATED water dispenser for the chickens (they don't like ice).

I can't argue with the logic. A diesel swap is a diesel swap. I would imagine a 3.9 Cummins would be a. Ignition,are to fit, so this is commendable. Also, I'm pretty sure this diesel was never supposed to be mounted sideways.

Maybe there was no data reception near the bridge?

Still better than a touch screen, though I can’t tell if there are Braille-like patterns to distinguish the buttons. That would be a big plus as well.

18F and I was out rotating tires and fixing a flat. Thank goodness for electric impact guns to zip lug nuts off and on!

My moms unclear a pinto with a modified 302 on it. The story I keep hearing is that he had to jack up the block and remove a motor mount to change the oil filter (unconfirmed of that is true)

The Pinto is probably the closest America has come to a modern super car when judged on propensity to catch fire.

Well shoot, they make a kit for 3800 drive trains in the old LeSharo RVs. Imagine the SS drivetrain in one of those.

A lot of work to convert for a diesel in a heavy, boring van.

My old Volvo 244 had manual steering and it was awesome. On er rolling, effort was low, but you could basically feel the road.