
Never understood why people think off-road mean you mucpst have 4 wheel drive. Sure, mud holes and rock crawling probably mean you want all wheels churning (assuming you aren’t just blasting across a mud bog).

So where do you put the floor shifter when the engine IS your Center console amd the 3-on-the-tree wasn’t sourced for the output of the 400 CID V8 option?

Shoot, I’m getting old and losing my random tidbits of knowledge.

I believe that A-III-9 is a stock diesel truck as the records are production diesels (the Toureg v10tdi hold a few).

I miss meaningful alphanumerics: had a Volvo 244DL

G numbers, eh?

98 was a great season. Perhaps my wording wasn’t the best. I remember 88 particularly because I got to meet a couple cup drivers including Elliot during a great season. There probably isn’t 1 best season. 88 and 98 were both awesome.

I agree you won’t see the chase go anywhere, but it’s created more problems than it solved.

Comes with a free T-shirt

Nope, they are just stanced 4-wheelers.

The irony here is that NASCAR has been trying to build a WWE type drama with the chase. The problem is that the WWE is entirely scripted: when you try to creat drama without scripting it, you get this.

The problem is that “The Best Car to Drive” is subjective. I have driven lots of cars and each one is different. Probably the best all around handler was my dad’s 88 RX-7 GTU edition. There are lost of faster cars out there, however I haven’t driven them, so it’s hard to know if a Ferrari FXX is that much better

Simple.. You need mod-i-fication....

Surprised there is no mention of the NB-36H / X-6 and the ANP program... HTRE1 and HTRE3 are mothballed at the Idaho National Labratory EBR-1 site.

I’ll go for my American version. You could still lower the bed and um, take care of business after going to Costco to resupply a small village.

What I find really interesting is the taillight package. Every time we see a new street bike, everyone complains about the taillight packaging and this isn’t terrible.

Now playing

The Group B S4 Delta should likely be a little higher than 6. You forgot one really important feature in the description: Lancie designers build the has tank out of thin light steel and put it under the seats ( I’m guessing for packaging and weight distribution reasons) rather than a beefier (heavier) and proper

Old school hydraulics are pretty cool. Knew a few people involved scriptwriters back in the day.

On second thought, it does look like an air compressor running braided line. The hydraulic pumps don’t fentanyl have a cylinder head look.