Give it time...
Give it time...
Have you actually watched one of the Holderness Family videos?
Pretty sure a Harvard man would have understood it was a joke. Just sayin’.
He’s the biggest five-year-old in the world. Is he Wun-Wun’s son?
The only spiritual successor to this is “Faces of Death”.
Yeah, down 3-1, they’re really playing ketchup right now.
You were understating the “kicked really hard” part. He might be dead. Sad. There’s not much dignity in being murdered by what appears to be a French restaurant maitre d’ in Casual Friday attire.
Why won’t you let us have a modicum of joy in our lives? You’re still riding the joy of the Wizards winning a series last year. Why can’t we have even a bit of fun?
Last night’s Raps-Pacers game had one of the most bonkers fourth quarters I have ever seen. STAY AWAKE, ALBERT.
I don’t think the UFC was having their arm twisted re a rematch. It would sell more than an Aldo or Edgar fight would. It’s not really a favour or a salve to McGregor — it was beneficial to the UFC revenue-wise.
“No one else but him wanted.” It had top billing at UFC 200, which is the UFC’s marquee anniversary event. A ton of people are excited to see this fight, much as they were excited to watch the last go-round between these two.
Apparently it was Dhani Harrison who extended the invitation to Prince to play at the show. Dhani was a huge Prince fan.
5 with a collection of awesome helmets!
Not really sure about that:…
You’re thinking of a Chuck Norris character. Common mistake.
No, Justise played for Duke.
I tried to throw a rat on the ice at a hockey game but Kenny Linseman fought me pretty hard and I gave up.
You know, the Nepalese workers could always leave if they don’t like it.
Gonna be a bit pedantic about this, but it wasn’t really an odd man rush. 3-on-3 by the time it crossed MTL’s blueline.
Iggy Azalea is keeping the spirit alive: