
Somehow, when the NY Times came a-callin’, he was apparently able to find some normal clothes, lol.

You’re right, we definitely don’t have the full story, so we’re both speculating. But my guess is Bethesda had preliminary chats with Sony right around when Microsoft got all that press for having Fallout 4 mods. (Probably within minutes or hours of that. It was an E3 announcement, I think?) The Sony reps, not wanting

So is she counting BJs and HJs as sex, or are those allowed? I think this is a key question that isn’t answered in the article.

Think about this from a PR perspective: Bethesda knows this story is going to be picked up and it will reflect negatively on Sony. Like you say, they are effectively blaming Sony for the issue.

What the fuck is wrong with the people who support and watch this sport? Why is it still happening? Who can watch that GIF above and say ‘Oh ya, this is totally a great activity that should continue for years to come’? Fuck football.

I owned a 360 last generation and loved it, I went with PS4 this generation because most of my friends are on Playstation and Bloodborne. Mostly Bloodborne to be honest.