
Yes, then the Packers come to town next week.

The teen bloc is definitely larger (stupid, easily manipulated teens). And I agree that Jim's technique was gorgeous — watching him dance with Alex last night was such a treat.

Part of the problem with this season's "stage vs. street" concept is that it quickly (and unfairly) dissolved into "technique vs. personality."

If this ends up being the final season, I want to give high praise to Cat Deeley. As the main audience for this show grew younger and younger, Cat transformed into the big sister — always wearing strange (but mostly tasteful) outfits, encouraging the audience and the judges to be nice, teasing dancers without making

It appears NBC execs got drunk, stumbled into a matinee of Fun Home and walked away with all the wrong lessons.

Nerds attempt to counter-raid; waste hours LFG

Summer show, Canadian import. It happens.

Silly Dikachu, the Academy doesn't recognize Asian actors and directors.

Toks Olagundoye and Christopher Meloni, being quietly brilliant for hours.

(left to right) Cooke, Maslany, Rodriguez

All three actresses bring amazing shades to their characters. Hopefully the script lives up to their potential.

Teti, you magnificent scamp.

Common typo; he actually had a vocal couch.

To be fair, the pilot didn't handle the premise well at all. It didn't help if, like the reviewer, you were a Bunheads fan who only tuned in to see Bailey Buntain's next project.

I caught him in Carousel in Chicago. He brought the house down with "Soliloquy" (as one does).

"Under the Dome's Britt Robertson"… man, that's not as depressing as "Under the Dome's Dean Norris," but it's close. Britt was the star of two failed teen shows, guys.

Ugh, you just know they're going to cast Cam Gigandet and make this Reckless: Season 2 — now with even less chemistry!

G o' tha M — an intimate portrayal of the baddest gang in Madison, Wisconsin

Bruce Campbell sits up attentively

And when Univision tops them all, we still don't talk about it.