
Waffles with raspberry coulis, fresh blueberries and whipped cream.

I saw it in previews. The play itself is a touch overly biographical (and then THIS happened in my life…), but Keach completely owned the role.

At least that one's due to cancellation. Criminal Minds has followed Survivor for years.

Highlighted by him "breaking" mid-Latin because Goldberg is "one of my people."

Fair critique, but the resolution came in season 3.

While many commenters apparently didn't like this show's habit of airing Very Special Episodes every week, I found it admirable that an It's a Laugh production tried to address issues of substance. Sure, the writing could be clunky at times, but they dared to talk about identity change, growing apart from your family,

In the face of infinite temporal possibilities, it takes a special kind of narcissism to "defend" our timeline as the one that most deserves to exist.

Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know (Ode to the 4:00 News)

Turns out, Meg wasn't really sick. She was just a werewolf the whole time.

Life finds a way… to turn science fiction into science, then back into fiction.

Deciding how to count votes for "M. Robot" became the new hanging chad.

Servo: "You're funny!"
Pearl/Mary Jo: (mutters) "You bet I am."

As much as I love Winstead, they centered the show on the wrong character. It would be much more interesting to watch Tveit and a band of competent, young Republican aides scrambling to hold their party together when their bosses go off the rails.

That said, "Friday Night, Jackson" is infectiously delightful. Hip-hop and fugue, like only a madman could possibly envision.

So, who wants odds Jessie Mueller sings a duet with a Karen Carpenter hologram at next year's Tonys?

I'm terrified that we're going to get another "Wicked vs Avenue Q" moment when it comes to Best Musical. I know you're sick of the Hamilton hype machine, guys, but don't cut off your billion-dollar, original-property nose to spite your face.

J'onn: "Pass the Oreos."

Pshaw, your puny 16th-century Reformation has nothing on the Great Schism of 1054.

Has anyone else seen the Ghostbusters ads during the NBA playoffs?

While I loved Britt's work on Life Unexpected, I can't believe we're STILL pretending she's a teenager.