Seriously. Adding one venue isn’t going to significantly increase the number of shows and tourist to Las Vegas. Critical thinking skills are not strong with this group.
Seriously. Adding one venue isn’t going to significantly increase the number of shows and tourist to Las Vegas. Critical thinking skills are not strong with this group.
LOL. You have no idea what you are talking about.
LOL. Wow. Did you read the article? Have you been paying attention? Are you a goldfish?
Is it just me or is Sheldon Adelson going to get the last laugh. Maybe I’ve seen too many movies, but the dude looks and acts like a super villain so I want him to do something underhanded to fuck with the Raider’s and NFL.
I’m willing to bet he reverts back to his 4.02 career ERA soon enough and the Twinners find themselves in last place where they belong.
LOL. That’s hilarious.
You are incredibly dense. And oblivious.
So let me get this straight. You think D’angelo Russel and Austin Rivers were ready to play in the NBA straight out of high school? You are fucking retarded.
Lol. It’s a necessary skill.
Nope. Either you aren’t paying close enough attention to basketball or you are really bad at math.
Lol. You mean Lonzo “never made a mid-range jumper in my life” Ball. GTFO.
It’s a cute stat, but doesn’t mean that dudes are better shooters. It just means they shoot a whole fuckload more 3's.
Only if you calculate it for all the seasons pre-2007. I’m not doing your work for you.
Except that you are turning the thermostat not the A/C.
LOL! I like what you did there. Seriously the A/C is either “on” or “off” the thermostat goes up and down.
Who says “turn the A/C down” or “turn the A/C up”? Seriously? You turn the A/C on and then you turn the thermostat up or down. And if you want it colder the thermostat goes down, hotter up. It’s not that complicated people.
What makes you think I’m not having fun arguing with you? This is tons of fun. You are right though. College basketball is an embarrassment, but you know who’s fault that is right? The NBA and their stupid one-and-done rule. The NCAA and the NBA can both be terrible, but basketball can still be a cool sport to play…
“They actually are better shooters and that is demonstrable.”