
There is ZERO percent chance you are hitting that pitch or returning that serve. That being said it is harder to hit the pitch because the bat is skinnier than the racket. Either way not pissing yourself would be a major accomplishment in either scenario.

Basketball is great, the NBA on the other hand...

Hahaha. Evolution. Good one. So according to you everyone in the league is a better passer than in the past? Better shooters? Better defensive fundamentals? Or they can jump higher? Because athleticism and talent are two different things. And the Spurs were gonna lose no matter who they put out there. A chair plays

LOL. These Finals are going to be flaming Garbage. We deserve this.

So your argument is that the NBA has always sucked. I believe it.

D’Angelo Russel is a star in this guys book.

Yes. But in order to realize that you need more than 4 brain cells.

Yeah, sure. Good luck proving that asinine postulation. I was also laughing at your insistence that these playoffs haven’t been terrible and that Tony Parker would have had any impact whatsoever on the outcome of the Warriors Spurs series.

I’m pretty sure the NBA will find a way to get this thing to at least 5 games.

You are crazy.

“Half the league would become OKC: hoping to land starts via the draft and win quickly before they leave for richer teams.”

Are people over-reacting? Maybe. But, No, It’s never been like this. It’s not about 1 team being the best, it’s that literally no other team has a fucking chance. How many times did the Lakers or whoever go 12-0 on their way to the finals with a margin of victory that approaches 20? I mean maybe the Cavs find a way to

LOL. What the fuck? No. The Lakers and Celtics were good for decades.

You were sort of all over the place on this one Billy, but you are right. Max Contracts are complete fucking bullshit and certainly hurt the product. But the draft hurts the product even more. The one-and-done bullshit has to stop. There are far too many super talented kids that come into the league at 19 and get

I did not like seeing Kershaw’s name so close to LeBrons, but you are totally right. WTF is that guy talking about?

Jesus this is a dumb comment.

“It is also more talented than it has ever been, and if the Spurs aren’t ruined with injuries, we might not even be talking about this. These playoffs have not been nearly as bad as everyone keeps complaining about.”

Good thing the playoffs are 2 months long!

That’s not how that works.

LOL. Please there are 320 million easily manipulated idiots in the US.