Luis Teran

wise words, thank you for sharing them. :)

$650 for pure Android and Pixel-quality cameras seems like a sweet spot to me.

all about Xtina crooning a good song.

one of their best tracks. :-)

made me lol XD

totally here to gush about Richard Madden as Ikaris. uff!

you are totally right upon re-watch :)

going back to the LA Metro scene in Captain Marvel, perhaps their response to her name is the fact that she could sniff out that they’re Skrulls.

just wanted to chime in how incredibly in crush I am with Sufjan since forever.

two; Robb and Rickon are dead.

would have absolutely bought and loved it, tragically speaking. <3

best reply and overall comment regarding the series. Thank you for eloquating :)

lovely. :)

my 160GB is still my primary music device, mostly because the Click Wheel owns Touchscreens in the gym. If it’s audio-focused, I’m in.

it’s an addiction; chemically, and unfortunately.

also - if Mexico decided to regulate drugs, they would undermine the Cartel’s power exponentially.

resident in Chihuahua (under Texas) here; Jorge Ramos only touches upon the deaths and a bit on the corruption, but, does not bring up how the peso was devalued and cost of living rose all drastically, and all within Nieto’s tenure.

so in love with Fred Savage, again.

man, Rob used to be hot.

well, he was in Season 4 of GOT, where he began to quickly get other roles as well (including Narcos, which is great).