The family also said in their statement that abusing drugs and alcohol was “completely out of character” for Skaggs.
The family also said in their statement that abusing drugs and alcohol was “completely out of character” for Skaggs.
Just goes to show you that the rules don’t apply to Rich guys.
It’s hard to find anyone who has ever worked for him and has a bad word to say. Seems like he prides himself on being a good boss. But he’s also notoriously sensitive and thin-skinned. Wouldn’t shock me to see a reaction along the lines of, “I’ve been Cool Boss all these years and this is how you repay me?”
To paraphrase: You need to be terrified of #MeToo, bitch.
I don’t know. Jackie Mac is pretty much untouchable so I don’t think she carries water for anyone.
this was really stupid but i guess jokes on me for clicking it
I always thought the foot is sticking out of the Falcons’ logo because it’s supposed to look like an F.
The Falcons logo is stylized, I get it, but it doesn’t make a lick of sense (why is its foot sticking out?)
Help! Officer Literal has suspended my artistic license!
Fuck the police.
This should be the top comment.
From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.
I can’t imagine how tough that must be, and the strength it must take, but it looks like he's got it to spare. I’m glad that he has support from his colleagues. Good words at the end. Never let anybody define who you are.
“It’s not something we wanted to have happen. It didn’t have to go this route,” says spokesperson for sheriff’s office that has chosen to make this happen by going this route.
There’s a good chance that the 9 year old study is from the last year when Shapiro actually read anything. Where would he find the time?
Brad Marchand won a Stanley Cup. Did you?
I can’t wait for Binnington to return to the below average goalie he is next year.
He was also completely unaware that there were roughly 10 seconds remaining in the period. All he had to do was backcheck for a few seconds and wait for the buzzer. I don’t understand trying to get a change in that situation. Especially when he dropped back to cover for the D then all of a sudden stopped at the…