Sounded more like Sylvester the Cat to me:
Sounded more like Sylvester the Cat to me:
Spending 12+ hours in a packed-to-the-walls bar sounds like absolute hell.
I didn’t even think this was that subtle! Imagine my surprise at all of the replies this morning...
My expectations of Deadspin commenters was perhaps too high. Seems like most people got it, but you’re right, I’m getting a lot of clueless replies.
You’re right, but that wouldn’t have allowed me to shoehorn my joke in.
If this is a reference to “Amazing Amy” in Gone Girl and the idea of Tiffany Trump (SPOILER ALERT) being a devious blonde woman who fakes her death to frame her husband for murder, the question is when, not if.
The URL to the press release is “https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/ivanka-trump-headline-worthy-opening-line.” More great work from the Trump web development team.
That also stuck out to me, considering Ivanka said the school was at the forefront of innovation.
That was a wonderfully crafted sentence. Bravo, sir.
Guys, Trump is an aberration and doesn’t represent the values of the Republican Party.
Tiffany Trump is like the darkest timeline version of Miley Cyrus.
in b4: Miley Cyrus is the darkest timeline version of Miley Cyrus.
As a Patriots fan I assumed that was the popular opinion, so I don’t think it’s hot. I would disagree, but it’s a good argument.
He must also be friends with the Washington coaching staff.
But you don’t judge me for my weird, some-might-say deviant peccadilloes
A sneakily offensive aspect to those videos is the fact that TWO different Beatles songs are used.
I must be missing something re: sliding money back into the case. I don’t get what difference that makes. You take the game home, slip money into the case, then officially buy that copy back when the game is on sale, and you get the money back out of the case? So what was the point of putting it in there?
“I never struck my wife, but I can’t speak for the blunt object in my hand.”
We’ve seen a few Hail Marys work recently (A.J. Green this week, the Packers converting a few last year), but historically it’s a pretty minimally effective play, and I think you’re looking at running it a lot of times before it’s successful. At that point, your receivers are completely gassed after a couple of…
I can’t get over that punch. Good god.