
What kind kind of enclosure do you use for that raid 5? I'm thinking of taking the plunge to local backup, but I'm not sure.

I'm a bit too lazy to reroute and junction directories, after the program is already installed. Take crashplan for example, it puts a pretty big file in your programs folder after cloud backup, even if you route it to a HDD on installation and setup. And sym linking or using junctions get messy after you do too many.

You guys obviously never played Donkey Kong N64 with your girlfriend.

I'd like to know this as well.

Well I skipped Mass Effect 3, just torrented that- did buy my cousin a 360 version, so all is fair in my book. I won't get out of my way to not give EA money, I just don't want to use their software is all. I know the logical reason and what ever, but did you ever sit down and read the terms and conditions of

On a slower connection it's pretty terrible. It's no secret- I'm hope they are working on it.

As long as there is a way to copy digital media there will always be those types of people. It doesn't make me mad when they do that, but it does make me sort of mad when they could very, very comfortably afford to buy the media, but still choose to pirate it. Best thing those pirates can do is talk about it,

Wonderful article. It spiked a lot of discussion with my friends and I.

5 centimeters, nice. I agree finding support when I'm too dumb is quite easy for ubuntu specific problems.

That's some serious dedication to down size all for productivity. That screen is small! Joshua must be the type procrastinator that searches cat videos until the dead line comes. pssh I would never do THat...

A new platform with better hardware should solve this. They can't really make each generation of games look twice as good as the generation before on the same 360/ps3 hardware any more.

With 50 bucks a cable, and and >1000 for a ssd filled external, I don't see myself using it for anything but a display port any time soon. I'm pretty satisfied with the speeds my esata provides.

Good points, I agree with ya part way, but I still love my Studio Ghibli. Hayao Miyazaki is a beast.

I pretty much was trying to find reasons to use my ipad, but it was getting diffuclt, up until I saw the autocad app open up one of my projects, it was amazing. It was the greatest thing ever, but I soon went back to paper schematics. I'm a difficult person.

Great story telling, animation, and good english translations. They are the holy grail of good animation by standards of anime fans. I mean try comparing "Spirited Away" to any US made animated film.

wait what? He said "blast off," what are you thinking about!? lol

Same here, anything that keeps me from plugging into itunes is a good thing.

haha "uses up all that space to fill it up with battery." Ohh how many times people have wished for that. I keep all my media on my desktop at home or external hard drives, so I don't mind having a smaller SSD(>=120GB), you shouldn't either. Apple likes to force larger SSD's onto their users. I was forced to get 256GB

Not sure what the next MBA will be like, but the current gen's battery is pretty terrible for me. I'm a average to lower power user. I'd recommend you get the MBP next gen instead, at least then you will be able to turn off the dedicated graphics for increased battery.

It might as well be confirmed, its from the same place that tells you how to remove it.