
If anything I would not count its slight complexity as a negative. I would call its lack luster features as a negative. You should take a look at the Crashplan forums. People have been asking for a way to view files that are being actively being backed up by the software for years. The forum is pretty funny. New users

If you are ok with a cloud storage, you should try CrashPlan. With 5 dollars a month, or less if you buy a year or more - you can get unlimited storage. It is a incremental backup solution, so it will probably take about 3 or 4 months for you to backup the full 10 TB's, but it's pretty useful. I set it so it never

A article on what kind of tech and conditions they keep our credit information in would make for an interesting article. Although I think that's the kind of thing the public is not allowed to know.

Yea, a super small fee. If the card is compromised, or stolen by another person, of course they won't charge you the small fee, but if you just like loosing it constantly, they will charge the fee.

That sounds great. Can I just create a folder named: "Public Folder."

Well I have the 50GB plan for Dropbox, I basically use it for syncing between my own machines. It really is terrible! that when you give someone a link, via sharing a folder or file, the first thing they see is a page that tells them to sign up to the service. So the person signs up, than they forget the password or

The only game I've pirated in... god how long was it? -was ME3 for a reason you can probably guess(origin). By making their games easily available across all distributors, they can get back those pirates, who ironically sometimes pirate because they don't like DRM or spying software bundled with their games, lol.

I don't like how you can't see an indentation for subcategory folders in sparrow like you do in the native mail client.

if it was a dollar or two more, maybe I could justify that, but seven dollars? comon man, your worth more than that.

The crying might help a little if you understood Japanese culture a bit, not that I cried, lol. It's interesting how Americans see bowing down in apology crazy, while it's a normal thing in their culture. And it's practically universal when you manage someone much older than you on your work force, as shown in the

I'm thinking about encrypting my entire OS partition, how exactly does it work, for a program such as truecypt? Do I enter a password to log in that undo's the encryption, or when I'm transferring files to usb's and emails it undo's the encryption done on it on the fly? Are their any negatives to encrypting your

If I use a secure vpn like (StrongVPN) for my home, does that mean my ISP will still know when I torrent things.

Maybe it's because I've been playing ME3 all day, but I love this idea lol. Anyway this was a really funny joke they made on their part. I can imagine the fox reporters head lining "Pirating terrorists in the skies!"

How much war effort do you need to get all three choices? I only received the destructive Red choice that killed everybody, lol.

This is a surprise to me. lol

Now that many people have very expensive smart phones, they know what a pain in a ass it is to have your phone lost. Those types of people are more inclined to give it back, or at least try to return it. If it landed in some thieving assholes hand(my phone) than you will never get it back. If your find my iphone

I thought my ISP was already doing this?

Yup, a set of JPEG's would be great, but people would hit the sharing sites, if they did that. It's a pain in the ass, but while reading the comic you capture your screen to a picture, or torrent it like you said. I probably won't, but the idea is- I would like to be able to show my kids these one day. Or maybe make a

How long do they need to fix their app to each one of apples updates?

Can somebody explain to me why piratebay went on to use magnet links, even though it uses the .se ? If it's servers are outside the states, and its domain is .se what was threatening it to make such a change.