
Article posted at 4:30AM, and the Pegby website practically dead at 7:40AM.

I hope they take this and make it a synced cross platform program. I can see myself using this offline for many purposes.

lol, this was pretty fun to read. Honestly I just recently got into apple with all my devices except my primary desktop, which I use half the time for gaming, and I have to say, I definitely did not get into the whole feel you did when I first got my 13" mac air. That first thing I did was install firefox, so there's

Wow, they seriously have some talented people. I'd love to know what kind of software and equipment they used to do these special effects.

Can the screenshot be any size? Some apps limit the screenshot by what your graphics cards memory is or something like that. Some blogs I like like to snip have 60 or more big pictures, so the snippets can get pretty big.

So your trying to use common sense and logic to figure out whats wrong with what their doing?

Pirate this Pirate that I don't know much about what pirated content was on that site, I just know it was a big place to hold and download Japanese anime and the like, which I otherwise would not be able to buy here in the states was it not for sites like this. That may be called pirating too, but was I not able to

A government of a bunch of corrupted assholes, who hide behind the name of religion. "Insulting the sanctity of Islam," he did no such thing.

I guess because everyone loves Steam. Origin is all about it's own games, not about other games, sales, package deals, and indie games. Although Origin as a game manager will probably make EA make it into everything Steam does with it's store.

lol, I don't know about you guys, but me and my guy friends are straight but the things we do are pretty borderline gay, haha. I guess good friends just are that way.

I would love it if they started adding textbooks to their ebook store. Out of all the major ebook stores nobody had my tech textbooks except "corusesmart," and they are terrible. I had genuine problem and the coursesmart guy was copy pasting the same response in the chat window, like I didn't hear him, than closed

If someone gave me their business card with diamonds on it, I wouldn't call them an ass, for gods sakes they just gave ya diamonds!.

More than the cost of the game, they aren't allowed to flaunt and advertize their other games when you go to buy say Mass Effect on Steam. But who am I kidding, I'll eventually buy it to have sex with every bastard character in that game, just for you EA just for you.

How is Steam restrictive, when your talking about updates and things like that? I get pushed updates constantly, some of which break my mods on games like Skyrim. It's sort of hard to blame them for making their own game manager, since they have so many key games; It still seems like a sleazy move to me. Steam is an

Calm down buddy. A teenager or whoever it may be that downloads a practically intangible digital PC game, or movie, or what ever- IS not the same as walking into a store and stealing a physical object that cost real money to produce. Nothing is stopping me from sharing MY purchased music or movies with my friends or

Oh man I feel sorry for PS3 users. This remind me of when I was modding Fallout 3 without knowing how to, man my game ran like crap on a 4000 dollar machine. Anyway, hopefully the patches work, I have plenty of friends who have the PS3 version and don't have the option to play it on PC.

I get what you mean. I prefer to watch my slightly grainy darkish ripp of The Matrix rather than the blueray on my high refresh rate tv. Things just look like a soap opera, I don't want to see all the pours on their faces.

lol, I'd rather hear funny quotes than little kids screaming about my mom.

I often visit DannyChoo's blog, he is a Japanese blogger into anime, so I don't find this too weird. It is still creepy though.

Very cool, I'll give this a look.