
Nice job buddy, I'll definitely give it a try.

lol, there is only so much optimization and smart coding they can do. The current console systems just don't have the raw resources to make video games look better anymore. I'm primarily a PC gamer, and I laugh when I see the compressed ugly textures on my friends Skyrim for 360. What you are saying could have been

I like to bookmark pages I find interesting or useful for later, and I organize and sort them away. The left bookmarks panel makes for perfect viewing while browsing. Such a small thing, but I won't be switching to chrome until this feature gets implemented or bought with an extension to chrome.

Poor kid, telling from what he did he's not very smart, or maybe he was just very comfortable with his local gamestop. He must have returned the xbox for real cash because he was in need of cash, and wanted to turn in the fake money at a store he thought would have stupid cashiers like gamestop. lol, no way he would

lol, this is very strange for Japanese people too, if your wondering.

ehh, when I was younger I bought a fully blown Alienware pc tower, when I didn't know better - I can't help but to think of Alienware when I think of Razor products.

Thanks for telling me about this app. It's seems to be rather useful.

God, this is getting annoying. I mean I don't really have a huge problem with my dropbox on my 4s, but I'm seriously considering android. I mean I can't download and unpack files, I can't play most video formats, and screen size aggh. Guess I'm just find reasons to complain about it because I'm getting jealous of my

I'm not very linux savvy, nor do I know much command line. I couldn't get the wifi to detect any networks from my dell netbook. Any ideas?

lol, well I guess these gifts really do fit the title. You would really have to like someone, or be pretty wealthy to be able to dish out 1600 hundred on a Mac Air as a gift. Hell, I was so conflicted just buying myself an Air; someone else? forget it, go to hell.

Aggh, why the ribbions. I am really digging the tabbed windows explorer though. Any way to get that without the ribbion thing?

Clamshells, you say huh. Just you watch...

This is one inspiring 15 year old. When I was 15 I played as much video games as you, and wasn't faced with all your hurdles, yet I just wasted it. I didn't appreciate the time I had. I'm glad you set out and did what you really wanted to do. Stay Healthy Avery, your a amazing kid.

I have a facebook, I use it when I need to find somebody or their email at least. Worst case scenario they are so out of the loop, they don't know what email is, and when I reach them on facebook I drag them to go on a shared google docs or gmail, or I just text or call them. I find that most things I do are work or

If I had that many planes, and my own hangar, I would cause some serious fugin havoc.

My stupid expensive macbookair cost me an arm and a leg. I'd have no choice but to fight. If he's pointing a gun at me, than I guess I'd give it up and call the police to track my devices. I wonder how that works? Do you call the police, or go to the station?

My first thought was, "sure go for it, and now while your at it, take off the keyboard and make it super thin, wait... oh never mind." You can never go wrong with more features though, but I won't be using a touchscreen in the form factor of a laptop, maybe if it folds back or somthing.

I think many are misinterpreting the article, it was joke.

If say the paid version of Evernote allowed me to view Powerpoint's, I would definitely buy it every month. Also, another grip I have is, that search in PDF's doesn't work so smoothly in Evernote. Anyway, I hope they nail down the foundation of what their software is supposed to do before broadening out.

I'll teach my kids to say dirty words in binary one day.