
good idea giving it a form young people and hipsters alike can relate too these days

Who needs a manual. Give me one of those I'll eventually figure it out

@gemcosta: don't forget the nook is crazy heavy.

Sounds great although I'm afraid I need color and proper graphics rendering to view my manga. I love battary life and all, but it seems redundent to buy a separate device for reading and all my other apps+ full web browsing. I am a fan of the price tag though.

I've noticed that sneezing and coughing uncontrollably in the middle of crowds tends to work for commuting from place to place.

the best 3 minutes I've spent this week... wait

On the daily show!, good for her although she hasn't been on Attack of the Show in a long while. I don't blame her. The shows probably better off without her.

how dare you post this and not include a link, ha interesting post nevertheless

All I really wanted was a "I'm sorry, we screwed up on the iphone we sold you" I already knew that your money hungry business model wouldn't allow a total recall for such a minoot detail in your eyes, but all I heard was "this is the industries problem, and is shared by every other phone". Does that sound like a

Quite huge when looked at from the side. I wouldn't mind a slide in cover like this, but the phone itself... I don't know.

sneaky sneaky, I had no idea about that menu bar one. Thanks

It seems the link provided was a link to see the wwdc 2010. Just go on apples home page and see the July 16 iphone 4 video.

I'll go for the unintentional pedo. That should be interesting. At that point batman comes from the shadows and beats the crap out of him. Yes yes a it will be a good movie indeed.

Web OS on my printer huh, sigh. It really did have potential, but seeing my old, slow, chunky palm pre makes me want to vomit when I think of froyo and iOS4.

Great for drawing some sketches. Although with out my multiple monitors for eyefinity I don't think I can live. So chair yes, table no. I suggest you buy a freaking better one for a 1000 dollars! The chair alone costs about a 1000 so you'll have no problem with costs right.

Easy going Electronica such as moby and such. Can't work if the songs too easy going. Also lyrics will distract me.

I dam good rant at that.

lol haha it's funny because it's happening to me! :D