
I suppose your right. Doesn't mean I have to feel good about it. Also I suppose other places are much worse than that.

New jeans! or maybe they faded

Great! now all I need is a iphone 4...than, than.. everything will fall into place!! ahahaaha

What's this, public morale towards Apple diminishing. What, but still hoards of people eat all the iphone 4's at my local at&t stores...not allowing me to buy one? What, What is happening?

This design in a non apple phone is so needed. Android needs more phones like this to start a frenzy for the OS. This deign is way over due. + like the comment below suggests it glows win7 OS! can't wait

Maybe sleek, minimalistic is why apple is ahead and android is growing slower.

This is a great post Brian.

A grad student paying off 54 grand with his student loans and having a normal life. This really is buffoonery. I gained a deep hatred for the music industry from that line "Gertner's ruling ignored the "profound economic and artistic harm" That's some jackasserry

@unws: If you download it once you own that book. Download it again and again.

@HonestChurl: well said. I tried every browser out their and so far Firefox is the only one that cuts it. I'd have to say what separates it from others is customization, more apps and consistency while web browsing.

..why, that's not human skin at all

I approve

This is completely relevant to the discussion at hand, I assure you.

I have to say I haven't stayed at a Starbucks or any other cafe by myself for more than thirty minutes, even with a laptop legitimately trying to do work. If your with a friend stay as long as you would like. I guess it's just inevitable that people that walk in will deem the lone person surfing the web on their mac a

maybe the point of this was to get some more bars to load up a page, while the camera was coincidentally on.

Yes instead I'll do it to my own legs saw III style, to get cat legs wait...

Can any unmanned vehicles transmit signals from in there?

Character lol, yes I guess your shattered hazard of a phone separates you from the rest now. I feel your pain. I once dropped a bowl of cereal. I suspect it's the same feeling.

Seems somewhat redundant since two teams will eventually sink one team so far they can't win and than concentrate on the team that poses a threat. So in the end I think it will be one team vs another.