Mr Bo

What is it with football players and the gay stuff? It’s like every single one is so deep in the closet they are finding Christmas presents. Hazing by doing gay stuff, now making fun of gay parents? For Christ sake, just come out you will be much happier.

I don’t know who that Amber chick is, but I would love to splatter all over her face while I finger my own asshole. She’s cute. It’s a complement.

Oh good, another hot, boring winter in Shittyzona, something new. Everyday is the same here.

Are those the same person?

Really? Parents in the most overrated city in the country were outraged? Do you realize this shit hole was that last state to institute MLK day? Do you know the only reason they did, was because the NFL told them they will never get a Superbowl in Phoenix if they don’t recognize MLK day? Phoenix, and the entire

F that! My stomach dropped just watching it.

Excellent story, I feel the same way. If I am out at a restaurant I always look at all the beers, for something I have not yet tried, but that is when I’m out to eat, and not sitting at a shitty bar getting pissed up watching football for 10 hours. At home, and the bar, I’m a Pabst guy. Born and raised near Milwaukee,

Hank buys these and shows his wiener next to them, so it seems larger than it is. #teammrbo #mrbotober

What a great article, of course I didn’t actually read anything past the headline, but I bet it was full of good info. I stopped hanging around Hank, because he was always bringing me down. Now I just secretly watch him, through his windows, from across restaurants, or crowded places. There is nothing more satisfying

I remember this one time I was at BWW. I spotted Hank, on the other side of the restaurant, so naturally I started rubbing myself, under my table. I just sat a peeped while he berated each waitress that came to his table. “I said you bring the wings uncooked, so I can fart on them before they get cooked!” He kept

It was awesome he checked his watch before he checked his junk.

If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

Hey! Great news. Did you know all the blood they use at Hospitals in Vegas, is processed “Right Here in Arizona?” Now it’s real, because Shittyzona is connected.

Somehow, they will make the tragedy in Vegas about Shittyzona. Because it’s not real until it impacts Shittyzona. 

Shittyzona always tries to create a competition with L.A. too. And the talking heads on the news, say “Right here in Arizona” about 200 times each newscast, like we forgot where we are.

They also just chow down on the balls of every local “celebrity.” The Diamondbacks retired the number of Luis Gonzalez. Everyone knows he used steroids. Look at his stats. He averaged like 17 HR’s per year, leading up to 2001, then he hit 57. From 2002 until the end of his career, he averaged like 19 HR’s per year.

Just look at that picture. Look at all that dirt. Oh, one other thing. They are trying to make the airport, a destination. The airport! Hey kids, lets go pay $11 per hour to park and pay more then we should for boring chain restaurants. I mean really, the airport. That airport has been under construction since I moved

24 years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life, I moved from Wisconsin to Shittyzona. And before all you dipshits who think it’s great here, and tell me to move back, I wish it were that easy. Moving from a cold weather climate, Shittyzona seems appealing. At first it isn’t bad, but then year after year, every

Most of the time when you get away with something, you would think, wow, that was a close one. I better straighten up. Not sheriff joke. This guy has done nothing but divide the community in Shittyzona, for more than 20 years. I would never wish harm upon anyone, except maybe Hank, I wish he would shit his pants in

I’m not sure what to make of this, are you watching football, or the National Anthem? I don’t buy the package, because I like to hang out with people, drink, and watch football, but if I did purchase the package, can I demand a refund, when the Bears don’t even try, like in week 2? Come on, who can’t even stay in the